Lay a hard solid turd, usually a long and thick shot that can get stuck in the narrow passage of a toilet (and cause a serious overflow for your downstairs neighbor).
When I was told that I'd just shit a brick, I actually felt like I'd just shit a brick. (The latter uses the more accepted definition, associated with anxiety and stress.)
Similarly to shitting stones, shitting bricks, shitting rocks, shitting a brick is when you are terrified, it can be a joking tone or a serious tone although it's mainly a joking tone.
On another serious note I actually shit what seemed to be a brick just a few minutes ago, it was shaped as a block and it inspired me to write this.
My guy, I just shit a brick after taking that incredibly hard test
I just shit a brick and afterwards I felt so good I almost became high
I just shit a brick and it looked like a Poneglyph from one piece
Used to describe the value of an object in comparison to a cock. Presuming most cocks could not and would not get paid for their services
Equivalent to nothing, zip zero zilch
"I was gonna sell my car but I cant get shit for dick with the check engine light on".
Being a G
Having your shit together -
"dudes got his shit together "
The most bestest insult ever. (Also a song by ice spice but we don’t really care that much do we)
Person 1: nahhhh you got ZERO rizz…
You: think you the shit bitch you not even the fart GRAH *struts away*
Person 1: WWHHAATTTTTTTTTTT *explodes from the insult*
Savanna Michelle Zotter- the 8 lb 4 oz absolute NOTHING ASS TRICK. Pathetic excuse for a human much less a parent.
That not shit ass hoe ain’t worth her weight (and she can’t afford to lose another ounce), so in other words THAT HOE AINT WORTH A PENNY. Pussy big around as a cave n smell musty just like one. Doesn’t give a fuck about her kids, just wants a good ass fucking and then your dick shoved down her throat before her gape even has a chance to close. Straight up gutter slut. Ass to Mouth is her absolute favorite.
Diarrhea so runny and projecting at a high velocity that it’ll fly right through a screen door.
“I ate at the Mexican place and got the screen door shits so bad before I even left the parking lot.” Jayson