Source Code

Brother Adams

Fat Geometry teacher. Mating call: "Want to go to Quirilla"

The boy got a Brother Adams for not doing his HW.

by Harry Balls March 6, 2005

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Dick brother

Two dudes who have seen each other’s dicks and are used to it. Usually between two close dudes

I can tell me anything, we dick brothers after all.

by YrnTakedown September 20, 2019

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Hell Yeah Brother

USA Slang used sarcastically by Americans and Foreigners alike to express sarcasm towards affairs that are usually seen as republican or conservative in a radical fasion. Such as guns, women, and the freedom of speech. Often used by the youth to middle-aged men when agreeing to hot-takes in a ironic way but not really agreeing to the ideals of it.

Mainly used as "edgy humor" that boomers may not understand, since it is now part of internet culture. This is stereotypical American Hill-billy self-degradation.

And it's funny!

"You can't take away mah guns"
"Hell yeah brother!"

by Closet Possum November 4, 2022

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Brother Blumpkin Pie

While reciving oral from a dude in a visor you take a shit into a pie tin then shove it onto the dudes face

brother blumpkin, blumpkin pie, blumpkin, fag, shiteater

Geoge threw up after he gave Dave a brother blumpkin and dave turned it into a BROTHER BLUMPKIN PIE

by btown4life from June 19, 2006

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little brother fetish

Wanting sex from little brothers of her current mate

Kristen has a little brother fetish!

by Dictionary.com March 27, 2003

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Eskimo Blood Brothers

When two males have sex with the same female while she is on her period.

Dude, you won’t believe it, I slept with Alexis last night. It was great but I think she was on her period. Same thing happened with Jeremy last month, that makes us Eskimo Blood Brothers.

by Vulpix May 31, 2021

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brothers of bulgaria and other

well they're brother obviously, who post shit on the site what more could you want??

"and other" is added when a third person helps create the defintion

brothers of bulgaria and other have some really creative words for Urban Dictionary!

by brothersofbulgariaandother May 4, 2010

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