A cheap biscuit because McVities get all the broken biscuits, mash them together, add some stork margarine and loads of ground ginger to hide the taste of the other biscuits.
Need something sweet but only got 29p,I'll go and buy a packet of Aldi everyday ginger biscuits.
An insult to all ginger people
'' you ##?!!$''
''well you're a ginger biscuit''
hes basically ajax come on guys
Listen up y'all 'cause this is it The beat that I'm banging is delicious Tartagalicious definition Make the girls go loco They want my treasures so they get their pleasures from my photo You can see me, you can squeeze me I ain't easy, I ain't sleazy I got reasons why I tease 'em Girls just come and go like seasons Tartagalicious But, I ain't promiscuous And if you ☝🏻 was suspicious
ginger thoma
September 23rd is national steal your ginger friend day
I'm gonna steal my ginger friend because it September 23rd national steal your ginger friend day
A giant astonishing creature named as the ginger monkey, once inhabiting the earth we walk.
"ginger monkey" , "Hey, look over there its a ginger monkey", "Gary stop trying to be funny you know your wife doesnt love you and your kids left you several years ago" , "But, ginger monkey makes me happy" , "Oh shut up Gary you need to grow up an- OH MY GOD THERE REALLY IS A GINGER MON-", the monkey proceeded to tear Johns face off and devour his corpse and then later recorded it and put it on live leak, Gary stared smugly until the giant ginger monkey molested him and yet again put it on live leak.