hero players in smash ultimate is someone who has been lost to the dark side and now is the most sadistic human you have ever meet. his play style has also rooted to only use specials and his fabled down b menu has made him a gremlin with the things that he can get away with in tournaments. although, masahiro sakurai wanted them to root in hell forever so he also added critical hits. you see hero was a lure for all the basement dweelers so then they could all be grouped up so we can view what a no skilled character can do to your mental health.
Random person 1: Hey. that guy looks really bad
Random person 2: Yeah... hes a hero player in smash ultimate
Random person 1: oh that makes sense.
A phrase for calling someone retarded.
Bill: Hey Bob, what’s 2+2?
Bob: uhhh... 7?
John: Looks like Bob’s a few players short.
Someone who is loyal but they also a player like they loyal to they main but be playing the hoes
Damn bruh keisha is a loyal player
Really weird people. Don't talk to them. They will get you into anything and everything. Drugs, alcohol, sexual situations (like having an orgy in a practice room) and many other things. Overall just stay away.
Girl 1: what are those trumbone players doing over there?
Girl 2: Ew! Trumbone players are such perverts!
Really weird people. Don't talk to them. They will get you into anything and everything. Drugs, alcohol, sexual situations (like having an orgy in a practice room) and many other things. Overall just stay away.
Girl 1: what are those trumbone players doing over there?
Girl 2: Ew! Trumbone players are such perverts!
Really weird people. Don't talk to them. They will get you into anything and everything. Drugs, alcohol, sexual situations (like having an orgy in a practice room) and many other things. Overall just stay away.
Girl 1: what are those trumbone players doing over there?
Girl 2: Ew! Trumbone players are such perverts!
Basically neantherdal
mentally ill
Person1:gosh mike said how he thinks this song sucks
Person2:don't worry he's a paladin player