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The Dirty Bubble

Well, sometimes referred to as just the bubble, the dirty bubble in specific resembles a dirty, burnt methamphetamine pipe

When we started smoking, the bubble was clean, whoever just had this should’ve stuck to watching SpongeBob we’re not taking the dirty bubble challenge

by Anus cream pie October 20, 2023

The Dirty Bubble

The Dirty Bubble is a villain on the show "SpongeBob Squarepants" this is his origin story.

After ejaculating inside a woman's vagina the seaman finds its way down to the woman's anus. The woman then produces flatulence which expands the seaman into a Bubble.

Hence the name The Dirty Bubble

Is now born.

Man: that was fun

Woman: Hold on... I'm about to make The Dirty Bubble


by Swiftyclown January 30, 2022

moose bubble

After having anal sex and the semen starts to come back out and create a popping noise. Bubbling out like a volcano.

After he pulled out, Jamie had a big ole moose bubble.

by Realtattooaaron April 8, 2017

bubble cheese

A very foul smelling fart that bubbles out of your butthole.

His bubble cheese was so bad it made the girl gag.

by Keeping it real November 30, 2015

Bubble buddy’s

Someone who shares the same thoughts and you only want to share you space with them (bestfriend)

Karalyne and Ann are the bubble buddy’s at the party

by Karalyne November 28, 2020

bubble bitch

A girl that gargels your cum before she swallows.... Plays with it and blows bubbles with it before swallowing .

Dang that bubble bitch blew bubbles with my cum yo...

by Shaneathon80 April 1, 2018

lead bubble

Something (such as a character or vehicle in a video game) that can take a certain amount of damage without any degradation of performance, until the point at which it runs out of hitpoints and suffers spontaneous existence failure.

The idea is that it's like a bubble in the sense that when it's destroyed, it just suddenly "pops" out of existence, but it's made of lead, so it's stronger than an actual bubble.

The name comes from Megaman 2, where one of the weapons Megaman could get was called the "Bubble Lead". Which was probably a reference to how it "leads" you and finds hidden pits, but a lot of people started pronouncing it like the metal lead...

I put so many shield generators on my ship that it's practically a lead bubble now. 1,000 HP worth of shields, and 150 HP worth of internal components... one hit from a wave motion gun once the shields are down and it's toast!

by ekolis January 31, 2021