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Urban Dictionary

The "Ghetto" dictionary! A dictionary of slang and sometimes made up terms. The site that you are on right now.

"I had no clue what the word "Sizzurp" meant, so I had to look it up in the urban dictionary.

by Miss Pancho Villa October 29, 2009

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urban dictionary

Think you're funny, don't you?

"Hey, I looked up the thing I'm using in the thing I'm using."
"Urban dictionary."
"Oh, cool."

by mecmecmec March 27, 2010

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urban dictionary

The place to go whenever someone says something that you dont know what it means, but you really feel like you should know what it means...

Guy 1: ya man, Susy is a freak. The other night she did the Alligator Fuckhouse to me!!

Guy 2: Wow thats neat, what's an Alligator Fuckhouse?

Guy 1: Ah dude, just look it up on Urban Dictionary.

by free styler miler April 4, 2009

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urban dictionary

a place where people go to rather find a definition of the word or get scared for life

jimmy - "mommy mommy, what does 'fuck it right in the pussy' mean"
mom- "jimmy are you on urban dictionary again?"

by StupidKid5,688,345,785,367 March 14, 2016

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Urban Dictionary

A great place to go if you want someone's opinion.

Person 2: "Urban Dictionary is polluted with opinionated, illiterate ninth graders."
Person 3: "UrBaN dIcTiOnArY iS lYk So0o0o0o AwSuM!!!1111elevenelevenoneoneone!!!1!1"
Person 4: "haaaa urban dick-tionary is -- what the fuck, is that spongebob hitting a rhinoceros on the head with a hammer while shitting out a toaster oven? ...heh heh heh. mehhh, i need more ellessdee, yo."

by qazswxedcrfvtgbyhnumik,ol. February 15, 2009

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dictionary attack

A method of artificially enhancing the length and/or word count of a paper by using unnecessarily complex words and phrases.

The essay had a 1000 word minimum, so I had to use a dictionary attack to get those last few hundred.

by Grinman April 12, 2007

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urban dictionary

an idiotic uncontrolled site where lowlifes post their extremist, anit-religious, hateful, stereotypical, moronic, ignorant, and ludicrous opinions.

e.g. Urban dictionary's article on Christianity: teh homofobik religon taht k1lled m0re p3ople tahn any ohter!!!!

by mrcrazynukenuke November 2, 2009

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