Source Code

The Drive Thru

When a male is going through a fast-food drive-thru pulling vinegar strokes and cums immediately when receiving their order.

Barbara quit her job at McDonalds after Gary did The Drive Thru the other night.

by 2moist4u. November 3, 2024

Driving the Hog

Driving the Hog means doing something wild or crazy. Similar to crashing out.

Hey did you see Jake last night, he backflipped off the roof at the party!

Yeah man he was straight driving the hog!

by CrashoutMaster3000 October 22, 2024

Driving Miss Daisy

When you are Raw Doggin any woman over 65 in the back of her Buick.

I was horny, and your granny offered it up, so I went Driving Miss Daisy. Said she liked it raw. Reminded her of her first prom night with 3 of the guys from the basketball team.

by WhaddaMuthaFkr November 7, 2023

Gum drive

A women who can pull out her teeth or has no teeth at all and blows rod

Gum drive my rod beeeaatch

by Trailer park Jerry curl admini August 5, 2021


Shoeholics obsessed with taking photos of shoes in store windows without trying on or buying.

A "Oh wait! Love those shoeboots! Must get a photo!"
B "Is this just another drive-by-shoeting or do you want to go in and try them on?"
A "No, I can't afford them. Just wanted to get a picture of the lovelies."

by creativegoddess June 1, 2011

drive thru transexual

A drive thru transexual is a man who is, more often than not, mistaken for a woman when talking to the drive thru speaker.

I talked to Sammuel on the phone, he really sounds like a drive thru transexual.

by ]AnTi_MTtr[ June 23, 2019

drive by complment

Screamning a complment to someone walking out of the window of a moving car.

Guy riding shotgun:YOUR A GOOD KID!
Person walking: Thanks!
Driver: Nice on man!
Driver: nice drive by complment dude!

by joeistheman! December 6, 2009