An iconic take on the more traditional "live, laugh, love" for those brave enough to live well, laugh often, and enjoy a rousing weekend of Live Action Role-Playing.
I had no idea that Kim enjoyed Live Action Role-Playing until I saw the "Live, Laugh, LARP" sign hanging in her office!
A want or need to continue living
I have no will to live
a want or need to continue living
i have no will to live
"Live the Truth" echoes our mission to inspire individuals to be true to themselves. Athena Globe encourages you to express your identity boldly, authentically, and without compromise, both in fashion and in life.
"Live the Truth" is a motivational and philosophical expression that encourages individuals to embrace authenticity and sincerity in their lives. It is a call to live in accordance with one's genuine beliefs, values, and identity, rather than conforming to societal expectations or wearing a façade. The phrase implies a commitment to honesty, integrity, and self-discovery, urging individuals to be true to themselves in their actions, choices, and interactions with others. "Living the truth" involves aligning one's life with their core principles and being transparent about their thoughts, feelings, and intentions. This concept emphasizes the importance of genuine self-expression and the pursuit of a meaningful, authentic life.
Beat the absolute fuck out of your best friend on April 19th
I can’t wait for National beat the living fuck out of your best friend day!
Having an above average lifestyle; living well; synonymous with “living large”
That asshole thinks I’m just living pretty, but what he doesn’t understand is that I actually work for a living rather than being a leech, so OF COURSE I’m going to enjoy my money!
Something Haley Dunphy from Modern Family said that is hilarious and true. Hot people will not be overlooked!
“omg fuck that guy Tom. Why does he have to be l so hot?
Hot shaming isn’t cool dude… Hot Lives Matter.