Source Code

A loose one

When in a scenario where everyone is naked (usually in locker room or the showers), and you stick your finger in their butthole when they look away.

Hey Mike, let's give the newbie a loose one

by Briskly April 22, 2019

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john the one

SO SO SO SO SO SO GAY GUYS FROM GANG his like peni$ and kiss jnck and gay

by tom

john the one gay

by jimbo bob32 June 6, 2019

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The www one

Online wedding on July 8
Both bride and groom agreed with terms and clicked 'yes' button
online chores such as defining words, publishing lexicological field studies, creating new content are not yet evenly distributed (groom is far more active coz he mad like that)
Online love, online affection, online intimacy is, well, online, imagined, typed

"i know she is the www one. I can type it."

by Krkiฤ August 4, 2019

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One UI

One UI is a new software overlay that Samsung uses on their devices running Android 9 and higher that was released in December 2018

It focuses on making stuff easier to reach on bigger phones by adding big headers so that content appears lower on the display for easier one hand interaction. And it looks beautiful.

Ever since some companies like LG have taken inspiration and released their own UI that looks similar to One UI

I finally got that new One UI update for my S9

by thatssoboring June 2, 2020

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The One Show

Something that is unproductive, ineffective and a complete waste of time.

I fear this activity is becoming a bit like the One Show: utterly fucking pointless.

by iCritic June 11, 2011

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the camp one

He who is rather camp in his ways.

He who wears shite shoes. The word shite would suggest the shoes are not very good.

He who resembles basil Brush, haha.

'Haha, the camp one. BOOM BOOM.'

'The camp one. Well, he is rather camp isn't he?'

by Kake December 23, 2004

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Reav One

Renowned grafitti artist from Tucson, Arizona.

Reav One's sick graffing skillz can be seen all over the streets of Az.

by Werd won November 6, 2006

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