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Hangzhou Soft Landing

To throw your enemies from a significant height - not unto a hard surface, but rather a soft one so that their bodies are broken and they live the rest of their lives in misery.

Peter has taken the scheme too far. He is at risk of receiving a Hangzhou soft landing

by PatrickTBateman October 27, 2021

Bumpy Landing

When the gasses left from crop dusting catch up to you as you sit down. This has the unfortunate effect of giving away the normally anonymous act of crop dusting, as well as assaulting you with your own chemical warfare.

I was crop dusting all the way back from the bathroom, but had a bumpy landing when I returned to the table.

by iamgigglz April 15, 2011

sahara land

camel my camel

Dune after dune in the ocean of yellow sand
Wind is blowing silently in the Sahara land

by raybeez March 1, 2022

Land turtle

Madelyn is a land turtle not a fish

Omg look at Madelyn she is a land turtle.

by May 11, 2022

dick waste land

The Kappa Delta House at the University of Tulsa. The place where all dicks go to die. Any male appendage caught in the crevice of a TU KD almost immediately will commit suiside.

Dude KD at TU is such a dick waste land. I just fucked a KD and my dick shriveled up and died."

by PikeTU February 12, 2018

Precision Land Leveling

Jealous Weasel. Piss Ant. Scammer. Scumbag. A person who undermines honest hardworking people, that have excelled far beyond his capacity, to appease his inadequacy by providing misleading and dishonest information about his peers

Precision Land Leveling pretends he provides agricultural services when really he’s just a bonus fide landscaper.

by Precision Land Leveling Sucks! August 8, 2021