Impossible, non existent, can’t happen
How to defend Jalen. You can’t goofy
Used to express astonishment at unusual circumstances, but it can offend the gays.
“Can you believe it? He’s finaly settled down and not shagging anything that moves!”
“How queer!”
Yeah, bitch, I saw it. Better believe I saw it. I see everything.
Hym "Along with the statement 'Women nowadays don't know how to keep a man' there is an implicit assumption that you could keep me. There is just so much arrogance packed into that seemingly innocuous statement that it's hard to take you seriously. And I know. I know you're sitting there thinking 'I wOuLdN't WaNt To-' IRRELEVANT! Entirely irrelevant! The point is you COULDN'T if you had to. You know I am the wrong person to talk to about what you want."
Take a deep breath and hope that you sneeze.
I can't sneeze to save me life, mother.
Mother, teach me how to sneeze.
Used to say one hopes the person spoken to will have an enjoyable day. Can be used in past or present tense.
Jamie "Now then, how-up your day lass!"
Lol "Cheers pet."
Not the other way around. You didn't do any work FOR ME. And you didn't figure it out. You did the work you wanted to or were paid to do it and you were hired to do that work because you were willing to keep silent about the fact that I am the one who did it and that you're trying to get away with not paying me.
Hym "No, I figured out how to do it FOR YOU... And NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND, FUCK-FACE. OK? And if he doesn't have to pay me then we DO NOT in any way shape or form own our own minds."
What an anxious/impatient youngster would logically want to know in instances when his parent promises a certain action/food/relief/entertainment "in two shakes of a lamb's tail".
Cranky child: "Are we there yet?!"
Parent driving (cheerfully): "Oh, no worries --- we'll be there in two shakes of a lamb's tail!"
Cranky child: "But how often does the lamb shake its tail?! Oh, sure --- a NORMAL AND ALERT lamb probably "flutters its little stumpy thing" quite regularly, but if the lamb is asleep or not feeling chipper, its behind-flipper might not move much at all, and so it might take HOURS for it to jiggle even ONCE, let alone TWICE!"