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toe nail fish bucket

a phrase to inflict fear in the twitch streamer imperial_valkyrie

imperial_valkrie: playing roblox on stream
chatapsy431: toenail fish bucket
imperial_valkrie: toe nail fish bucket? eww. eww, what?

by Luko_Landino January 25, 2021

hold unto your buckets

Same as "hold on to your hat", meaning that you should anticipate what is to come, because it will be very great, magical, frightening, etc.

First used by Tobuscus on his Twitter when announcing he is uploading a new song.

(tweet from Jan 25:)

"uploading a guitar song to Tobuscus. hold unto your buckets"

by harvesterboy June 12, 2013

New England Slop Bucket

After crapping, pissing, and ejaculating in a bucket and leaving it to mix for a month, it is used for dumping on a girl after intercourse.

After Zucker finished up... he took the New England Slop Bucket and dumped it on Grimace.

by Gotsussman32 March 16, 2008

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crimson custard bucket

Another nickname for the vagina.

I blew my load all over her crimson custard bucket.

by El_Norab89 August 19, 2006

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El Paso Water Bucket

Occasion where a male puts their balls in a bucket of water while receiving a blow job

Dude, your mom just gave me the hottest El Paso Water Bucket!

by Terrell Blackmon May 8, 2016

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noooo they be stealin' my bucket

An exclamation used to imply distress at somebody's taking of a personal belonging.

"Dude, that guy just ran off with your wallet!"

"Noooo they be stealin' my bucket!!!!!"

by Matt Munin April 24, 2007

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smelled like a bucket of assholes

an extremely offensive odor, possibly what the inside of a johnny on the spot would smell like if you stuck your head down the bowl; an odor so horrific, you would stick ur head up your own ass just to escape it; a truly epic flatulation, one so disgusting it would choke a farm mule

Guy one: Dude, i went down on your sister and it smelled like a bucket of assholes!

Guy two: Dude, you gotta sniff it before you lick it!

by jwagz75 April 9, 2011

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