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white ass cracker

Someone with white skin and white

Also hitlers perfect soldier

Omg ur a white ass cracker you nazi bitch faggot stupid ass

by fjafdioajklafjlf September 22, 2023

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Tia Wanna Toilet Cracker

A Tia Wanna Toilet Cracker is when someone is having a dump in a public toilet cubicle, and another person throws a small firework into the cubicle and then runs out.

"I'm not talking to Timmy anymore he just Tia Wanna Toilet Crackered me, my thighs are red raw from the burning"

by Pizza Man 26 April 19, 2013

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crispy coyote cooter crackers

a type of cookie or cracker that tastes like a crispy coyote cooter

-dude these crackers are so stale and gross
-i know, like coyote cooter
-they should just be called crispy coyote cooter crackers

by Bibi h February 16, 2008

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dirty cracker bubble fest

Where a bunch of white people go to party it up. Usually a HOMECOMING. Or an event at the Olive Garden or a friend's house. An all-around good time. For crackers.

Boy: Hey Maddie?
G: Yeah?
B: Are you going to attend the Dirty cracker bubble fest on October the 20th?
G: Yes: It should be an exceptional time.
B: Quite

by dirtybubble October 11, 2012

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Cracker-ass twinkie-hole

One of many negative terms for a white person that is equal to calling a black person nigger.

(white guy) What up my nigg?
(black guy) Shut yo mouth, u cracker-ass twinkie-hole!

by IM NOT A CRACKA' January 29, 2009

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Ham and Cheese Between 2 crackers

To be down with whatever is mentioned. Taken from a mock lunchables commercial "fux with it". I mean when you think about it who would deny ham and cheese between 2 crackers.

Hey man, do you want to go hit on some chicks at the mall.

Yeah bro, that's ham and cheese between 2 crackers.

by Dmanz82 November 2, 2011

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its a new race.When your daddy's Black and your mom's white or the other way around you are a blk-nigga/white-cracker.

i have a friend named kiana alexion her dad's white and her mom's white so we call her blk-nigga/white-cracker.

by kiana kimble January 3, 2010

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