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cranberry douche

a liquid concoction made of the acidic juice of cranberrys, mixed with vinegar and rock salt, that when loaded into a high pressure squirt bottle and fired into the enflamed vagina provides temporary relief and mild cleansing of said area

"melissa emptied every fruit market in town to mix up her cranberry douche, she went through 60 gallons of wine vinegar too, that bitchs dirty cunt must be on fire"

by metro anthony November 2, 2005

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Douche Bump

A sensation that one feels in the skin when you are surrounded by a room of douche bags or particularly douchy douchetastics. The sensation can usually be overcome by immediately removing yourself from the company of any douchebags.

Jimmy, duck so douchetastic doesn't see us over here and talk to us about his douche bag life. I'm trying to avoid another case of douche bumps.

by Bling (the original) April 26, 2007

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Douche Captain

One who so excels at being a douchebag, they have been appointed to a position of leadership among their douchebag crew.

"That guy doing the guido dance - total douche captain."

by giber1 November 25, 2008

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Lake douche

The act of getting water blasted into ones pussy while have sex in the lake!

"Billy Banks gave Nicole G. the lake douche last night."

by blax555 August 5, 2014

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douche freeze

In certain cases when douche chill cannot convey the extreme amount of doucheyness that has just occurred.

John: Jane get under the desk.
Jane: The last guy that asked me to do that got fired for sexual harassment.

Observer 1: douche chill
Observer 2: douche freeze

by FMCC December 23, 2009

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Snapchat douche

A person who uses the social networking app, snapchat, purely to show off to other friends their whereabouts with intentions of making their friends jealous and possibly left out. Often snapchat douches are self centered and have low self esteem because they constantly need others to know that they are doing something.

Person 1:"Hey, is anyone hanging out tonight?"

Person 2:"Naw, I mean we might do something later, but I'll hit you up."

*person 1 opens snapchat video hours later of everyone hanging out and was never told

Person 1: "man, what a snapchat douche"

by Feely7 October 23, 2013

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Disposable Douche

A co-worker who is a douche and is also so completely useless that they are considered disposable.

That Brett guy is always so Jolly, but he's a Disposable Douche

by ohio sailor January 15, 2009

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