Shoes known in the swinger community as something to wear when out looking for other couples.
“No worries, I’ll be wearing my stabbing shoes”
A person who is dedicated to God at school or in life; rejects rebellion for God
You are a goody god shoes
A shoe online shopping platform, where can buy good shoes, where can buy cheap Adidas, where can purchase shoes, the most professional boots website, leather boots
another term for the word sex.
hey, I got a free house. why don't you come round so we can swap shoes?
"has she been pounded yet?"
"they've definatly swapped shoes"
An essential item of clothing for university club nights across the UK but more specifically individuals studying at Loughborough University that find their Saturday nights are best spent in the absolute cesspit that is Echo's nightclub. Those that frequent this establishment will soon actualise the necessity that is 'echo's shoes' an extension of the feet whose sole purpose is to protect the wearer from the foreign bodies and fluids that exist on the floor here. This garment is function > form. Save your good kicks for XO Thursdays yeah?
Friend: "Mate, what are these nasty shoes outside your room?"
You: "Oh they're just my echo's shoes..."
Friend: "Grim"