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Stiff shit

Phrase used when you don't care about what someone has just complained about.

Person: But that's not fair, you got more than me!

Me: Well stiff shit.

by sadistic_monkey July 12, 2006

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fish'n shits

When you spend the day shitting on the edge of the boat because you drank too much beer the night before.

fish'n shits
Jared: Wow!!! that's my 10th keeper bass today. Tim, how many have you caught?
Tim: I caught me a bad case of fish'n shits. I can't even get to my pole. Hey!! hand me a cigarette!

by Mitchell Man July 11, 2008

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Shit Cat

A phrase used by Ryan Schreiber of Pitchfork Media in his laughable review of John Coltrane's 'Live At The Village Vanguard'. He uses it primarily to imitate a 1960's black Coltrane fan, and as a result the review is cringeworthy and practically racist.

Shit Cat, dat brother coltrane got messed up by๏ปฟ dem jaws o' death but it don't make a difference.

by Theodore Taggart IV July 18, 2009

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shit mix

an alcoholic "cocktail" usually made at parties.
concocted of all the available alcohol around.
someone is usually dared to drink it, as nobody in their right mind would want to drink it for pleasure.

Jonny: I DARE you to drink the shit mix!

Luke: pffft ok
*drinks shit mix*
*passes out on floor*

Jonny: dude, :/ i think he's dead

by jonnyRIDDLE July 11, 2008

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Projectile shit

The state in which an individuale can't contain there bowell movements and explodes poop out of there ass

"Bro!, some dude just took a projectile shit in that urnal! Who does that?!"

by #hashtagsaregay September 30, 2013

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Pancake Shit

When a guy really needs to take a crap, the shitstorm begins to leave his ass the moment his underwear falls
below the faultline (his butthole)....He then begins what us men call "The move". The synchronized motion of yanking one's shorts down while beginning to shit while also sitting down on the crapper, all in one fluid beautiful motion.
This move does not though allow time to check if your wife left the seat up. The existence of a "down position" will result in what men will forever refer to as a "pancake shit"...otherwise referred to as a cake dump, or "laying a flattie".

My damn maid cleaned my bathroom and left the seat down.....after a night out on the town and a 2AM taco bell run, I ran in there with some projectile gurgling shit comin out of my stinkhole, I had no time to turn the light on.....
You guessed right boys, Pancake Shit.....

by zuluwarrior November 30, 2009

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shit kink

when someone gets turned on by shit

"hey, did you hear that lano has a shit kink?"

by fuck29013489-210i5r051[3 March 19, 2021

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