Source Code

Mind Wank

A telepathic wank using your mind. BUT YOU AINT THINKING ABOUT THE HOMIES

luke was thinking of Sam's toes so much that he needed to have a mind wank. But he is a homie...

by ProfessorMindWank November 18, 2020

Get My Mind Right

To smoke a cigarette/blunt/or any substance that will alter your state of mind, typically to improve your ability to complete an otherwise boring task. Typically something you would say prior to doing so. Basically the equivalent of "I'm going to excuse myself real quick to go out back/run to my car to smoke a cig/blunt/joint"

i.e. Go take a smoke break

Hey man can you watch the grill? Imma go get my mind right

Im gonna start cleaning up my station, just let me go get my mind right first

by styn December 11, 2021

mind your juice

Mind your buisness

Alternatives being mind ya grapes

Did you hear Mickey got diagnosed with stage 4 retardism
Hey man that’s his life mind your juice

by massssivecuntsinrats August 20, 2021

One Mind Stand

Something that completely fucks your mind until you think about it and it suddenly makes sense.

Bob: That flaming Russian Porcumime made no sense.

Rob: Tell me about it.

Bob: But after some thought, I think I get it.

Rob: Total one mind stand.

by C.O.B. December 7, 2011

Mind melding

When you pick your nose and stick your booger into the other persons nostrils.

Mike "Hey man, quit picking your nose!"
Ike "its ok I'm not gonna waste it, we're gonna end up mind melding after you go to sleep, like on star trek."

by Ithink2much December 15, 2020