A person who can't leave a toxic relationship and hurt themselves to make their partner love them
James: Have you heard that Tetra is in a Paper Alibis?
John: That's sad.
When someone uses all the restroom paper and doesn't replace it.
"Hey, can you please pass me the TP? The last person in here was a paper pillager."
That deadass moment when you fucking forgot your them at work so you get detention.
To talk to yourself a lot while reflecting on incorrect or outdated trivia questions in chat rooms
That one chick is always licking paper instead of just googling the answer
A Baltimore/DC term for traditional tobacco combustibles, such as cigarettes or backwoods, usually in the context of being used as ingredients with weed for a spicy blunt, spliff, mook, etc.
Hitting a cart and juul at the same time is a good way to quit paper and toe, but you still get spiced.
• The result of your dog having sex with your homework after you have completed the assignment
"Sorry Miss Berok, I can't hand in my homework because my dog made Paper mache puppy's with it.."
Something that doesn’t make sense. I.e how the paper towel Companies are always trying sell you less rolls but tell You it’s more rolls. For instance Bounty 6 pack but the package says it’s really 12rolls.
Lance said he was going to send me a screenshot of his cracked screen…clearly he is doing Paper Towel Math because you can’t screenshot the crack on your screen 🤦🏾 ♀️