when a person has hard fat over there abs and it seems like they have a six pack when its really fat
Girl: Alex has a sweet sick pack.
Boy: Now he doesn't he has stale rolls
Girl: Ew
an amazing song made by The Weeknd, you should check it out :)
“hey have you heard that song “Rolling Stone” by The Weeknd? it’s amazing.”
A long past its prime magazine.
I'm about to read the rolling stone. Said by some Boomer.
When playing tambourine, a sequence of musical notes consisting of a half note followed by three quarter notes.
Cain:Snare Bear!
Power rolls don't exist
Snare Bear: Yes they do!
Check urban dictionary.
Making someone watch a rick roll, without actually making them click on anything or trick them to click a link.
You didn't rickroll me! You Force Rolled me!