Source Code

Sex Machine

Gal OR Anej

Damn he is such an Sex Machine

by Slovenski ginget April 8, 2021

sex machine

someone who is uncontrollably sexy

Woah, Diako is a sex machine!

by ivanyang June 12, 2021

Furby Time Machine

Pure genius

Furby Time Machine, You poke it and it sends you back in time.

by Quacklyn June 24, 2011

soggy time machine

When you look at your girlfriend Whilst fucking her nan

Yeah man I totally had a soggy Time Machine last night

by Lal November 9, 2018

The Origami Machine

The origami machine is a machine that twists and or jelqs your penis into a variety of different origami shapes.

"Hey Paul, check out what I did with the Origami Machine!"
"Hey let me try out the Origami Machine too!!"

by origamiman February 18, 2024

Cook machine

A concept designed by Issy (a mix between a washing machine and a oven)

Turn the cook machine on

by Big brain bill April 25, 2020

Cook machine

A cook machine is a way to use less space having a cooker and a washing machine in 1

The other day I brought a cook machine to use less space

by Cookmachine123 April 25, 2020