white women who involve themselves in situations that do not affect them
person 1: are they selling lemonade without a permit?
person 2: relax ur white woman reaching
person 1: my mom keeps reporting these kids outside
person 2: ur mom has white woman reach
Since you love being correct so much... Here: *Saying something like that would get you punched... UNLESS YOU'RE A WOMAN, JORDAN. Get it? Being an anonymous troll is like being a woman. You say whatever you want. No accountability.
Hym "Unless you're a woman, Jordan. Or if I'm the strongest one in the room. Like if it's just me and a sickly old man I can STILL say whatever I want. Or if I have a gun... OR if I have an army or hammer clowns and they are somewhere you don't want them to be while we talk. There are a lot of ways to get around that conceptually. And as far as becoming a tyrant is concerned... John Wick Murdered hundreds of people over a dog. You think those people didn't have families? Friends? Dogs? Who's going to feed their dogs? He's still the hero."
Probably someone who worries a lot that is a woman
Haley is the definition of a worrior woman moment
A half rabbit, half womans.
She knows how to pleasure you but dont let her sit on you
Friend 1: dude you really need a BCW
Friend 2: whats a BCW
Friend 1: a Big Chungus Woman
Friend 2: i already have one
A female who possesses the physical attributes of a mature woman, but the demeanor and facial features of a younger girl. An example would be teenage females that have precociously developed physically, or have been hyper-sexualized by a parent. Some consider Asian female teenagers and those in their early twenties as examples as well.
"I've been around the world, lookin' for that woman-girl"
a really nice tasting sweet wine
Oh this lovely woman's milk is so sweet!