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shit ton

equals 23 of any object

i had 2 dozen eggs i droped one now i have a shit ton

by stewie and jorden September 30, 2009


Precisely, 6075 USC pounds.

More generally, in excess of an ass-ton, but less than a fuck-ton.

This truck pulls a shit-ton, son, but you cain't load 'er up with that much Quikrete.

by MrFarnsworth October 21, 2016

Shit ton

A redneck, possibly canadian, possibly albertan, saying for a large mass of something, be it literal or figurative.

That's a Shit ton of nachos!

Take some from tim, he's got a shit ton!

I got like a shit ton and a half of porn mags at my house.

by "hot" Karl Werner May 9, 2011

Shit ton

Contrary to popular belief, a shit ton is actually only 4 of the given item named.

Bruce: Gary's slept with a shit ton of chicks.
Bob: Only 4?! That's so lame he's 26!

by dbalb55 November 26, 2010


two assloads

Steve had a shit-ton of dorritos last night

by nevynevynolegs November 1, 2017

Shit Ton

A unit of measure used for something when you have nothing better to say.

"Did you see that truck?"
"Yea it had a shit ton of hippos in the back!"

by SmellyRichard August 23, 2015

Shit Ton

A standardized measurement defined by 1 ton + 3 kg + 1 cm + 1 millisecond + 1 picosecond.

I just had a literal shit ton of thanksgiving food.

by shitte_ton November 24, 2017