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264.2 gallons of human shit.

That's 264.2 gallons of vodka!
That's a shit-ton of vodka!

by treephalanges April 8, 2011


A prettylot is more than a little and less than a lot ( look it up). A shit-ton is more than a lot.

A tractor trailer holds a shit-Ton of merchandise.

by Yesway May 29, 2018


The amount of a substance in pounds that can fit in a 30 square foot space as figured from the density of 2,000lbs of fecal matter.

2,250lbs is a shit-ton of LSD.

by Z28boi April 26, 2018

shit ton

n. 1,000 metric tons, or 2,204,624.4202 pounds

I have a shit ton of timber to haul today.

by PuffTheHoneyBadger December 5, 2020


Means what all awesome shit is related to porn, adult content, sex, and bad words!!!

I looked up THE BEST SHIT/CRAP/BULLSHIT EVER!!!! on my computer last night and oh goodness, it was FUCKING AWESOME!!!!

by pornuser March 22, 2018

shit scrape

n. bog roll, shit tickets, bumf, arse wipe; i.e. lavatory paper, if you will.

Hoy, Jean - my squitters are givin' me gyp. Throw in another parcel of shit scrape - I've fuckin' run out.

by nuttershamrockshinboner July 11, 2023

Shits on the wall moron.

Someone with so little intellect and awareness that they regularly shit on the wall instead of into the toilet.

He's a real shits on the wall moron.

by buttermilkmeeks August 6, 2019