A Saturday on which you refuse all requests and deny all favors, instead cursing out the person who is asking.
You: Hey self, it's another Fuck-You Saturday.
Jim: (enters) Can you help me with this report?
You: Not today pal. Fuck you.
They are most likely bi sexual and want to do a threesome
Sally and Jen these 2 girls buy you a green shirt then we fucked
A dumbass bitch who don’t know shit and talk to much.
Your annoying as hell pussy, you are a quick.
George you your on the court, get off the couch and put on your $80 knee pads
something that may be said in a video game, typically a first person shooter, when the enemy is killed by you very quickly, and barely seen onscreen.
could also be said as "ya got owned" or "you got pwned"
enemy: shows arm around corner
me: pew pew
enemy: aaaaghauagau i am dead
me: you got owned!
your outfit or comment was absolutely stunning/met gala worthy
Stacy- "Fuck You"
Jared- "That's what your mom said"
Hillary- "You served"
It's a term that's commonly used by girl(s) that go by the name of Stevie when they're friendzoning someone. It can also be used when in need of attention because when you tell people (Nat) this phrase, they keep insisting to make you love them. Easy attention gain. Little do they know that they will never be loved. This sentence is known to be quite useful as it can get you out of multiple situations of trouble. For example, if you for some reason tell them accidentally that you love them and they ask you to repeat it, you can simply scream the sentence and you'll be out of the situation in the blink of an eye.
"hey Stevie, how does this shirt look on me?"