Worn over extended periods to make cherry picking easier.
That pricks wearing his cherry picking gloves again!
The act of stuffing your partner with as many cherries as you can fit in them, then proceeding to fuck them so violently that the juice flows out.
Jack put two dozen cherries in Jill ass then made New England Cherry Juice for Janet drink it.
one of the most well rounded 4th gen ggs!!
2 main vocalists and 2 main dancers, they'd be global if kpoppers didn't sleep on them and they weren't managed by fnc ent (FUCK YOU FISH N CAKE!)
gp999 stan: "bora main vocalist of girls planet 999!"
pd48 stan: "haeyoon main vocalist of the entire produce 48 show!"
cherry bullet stan: "uh... y'all know they're in the same group called cherry bullet... right?"
a dog trying pudding for the first time
Oh my god! Buster just popped his pudding cherry!
an act of intense emotional satisfaction involving a vice grip and an uncooperative ball sack.
Phil: "Have you seen Daryl today, feel like he's been missing a week?"
John: "yeah, I heard he is in the hospital after a Cherry Eggplant went wrong."
*Both cringing with intense fury*
An exotic, rare fruit that is used as a main ingredient in the frappuccino of the same name.
Oh my god, do you guys have like a sun cherry frappuccino? I like love sun cherrys so much!
Eating too many cherries can cause diarrhea in some people, especially if they are sensitive to the fruit's sugar alcohols or salicylates.
Life’s a bowl of cherries. I ate the whole bowl and now I’ve got the cherry trots!