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No Mo Bamba March

A period of time where a stan of the songMo Bamba” must not listen to “Mo Bamba” because it is gay.

I am NOT going to fail No Mo Bamba March.

by gotchawifey January 2, 2019


Certified pillow biter.

My large hairy-chested, gay friend is out on the town, looking for his next B-Mo.

by HeartThrob Rob April 7, 2021

hartville mo

literally ass. full of druggies and farmers. hate it here this place is miserable. the town is way too small and the cops are shitheads

Yo you been to hartville mo? That place is ass!

by ahgava October 5, 2021

Mo Pho

Mobile Phone

Give me a call on my Mo Pho

by Summerfield Pops August 27, 2021

mo mob

A group of hit ass wannabe followers.

MO MOB is gay af compared to the duffer boy$

by collinassamnibba March 2, 2017

Sash Mo

Sasha Mo

Sasha Mo she is the most genuine, independent, and strong-willed woman out there. She has a huge heart. She is a keeper, if you find yourself a Sasha don't lose her!!! This woman will change your life, she is sexy, kind, and very humble! But do not mistake her kindness for weakness otherwise she will kick your butt!!! I love her and yes fellas this Sasha is mine and all mine so find yours! :)

Sasha Mo is my soul mate!

Sash Mo would be your best friend or your worst nightmare if you cross this fun-sized one!

by Sasha Mo April 12, 2020

sho mo mo

a very bitchy person that is fat

chris ur such a sho mo mo

by BrettxXxbrutality February 24, 2008