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Clam Hopper

A dude that thinks he is all that but really isn't jack shit.

Matt needs to stop being such a clam hopper.

by Rainey508 July 4, 2012

Clam Vendor

A prostitute, one who accepts monetary compensation for sex.

That clam vendor almost gave me the clap.

by ClamVendor March 20, 2009

Shucked that Clam

When a woman is given a front wedgy while wearing thong underwear

“She wanted to start some shit so I grabbed her panties and shucked that clam

by Incredible0bulk August 31, 2020

clam chowder ice cream

yum yum yum

clam chowder ice cream

by this is not a troll April 29, 2024

Slams your clam

If you say "whatever tickles your pickle" that would mean your talking to a dude... So "whatever slams your clam " would be talkin to a woman.

Woman says: "Its freakin awesome!"
You say :Hey, whatever slams your clam!

by Mcstinkers February 25, 2020

Clam stamp

It's the girl version of T-bag. A girl is up above the face of someone else & she would dip down and rub her vagina across their forehead then leave a snail trail.

"If you don't shut your mouth, I'll shut it with my vagina" ... clam stamp.

by Clam stampin May 20, 2021

clam bake

When receiving analingus from another party, sitting on their mouth and proceeding to defacate.

I was with this girl the other night and I gave her a clam bake because she wasn't down with doing anal.

by Streetsweepa September 26, 2009