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Depression is something a lot of people go through. Depression is like when you have no motivation to do the easiest things in life. Depression is when you don’t want to go out places or eat you just want to stay on your bed all day. Depression is something some people can’t get over. Some parents thing having depression is some joke and that adult only have it. But that’s not ture kids,teens and adults can have depression. So kids and teens when you grow up and have children if they come out to you that they have depression or something. Then help them don’t instead of saying “nO yOu DoN’t DePrEsSiOn iS oNlY fOr AdUlTs” cause that’s just going to put them in a more uncomfortable position so don’t say that instead say it’s alright we will go through this together. Always help your kids if there going through depression.

Depression is not only for adults

by I will simp🥺🥺🥺🥺👉👈 June 14, 2021


The worst kind of feeling in life. If you have depression there’s some days where you feel good and others where you feel like shit, or if you’re really depressed then everyday is shit Usually caused by school/uni, work, family/parents, exes and people treating you like shit and more. Goddamn it’s 2 am and I’m still listening to marvins room and I have a math class tomorrow at 8:10 am fuck me.

Depression is a bitch you always feel like shit and can’t accomplish anything.

by Depressed Torontonian September 23, 2020


The thing I have. And you probably have it too.

Wow depression is soo fun I want to die lmao

by Your therapist November 19, 2019



"oMg i HaVe dEpReSsIoN!11!!1!1!"

by asiadaostrich December 19, 2019


Something i always have

Me: i have crippling depression

by Trashcan45 February 27, 2018


The worst possible feeling ever. You're just so sad and sometimes don't wanna live anymore.

- What does depression feel like?
-It feels like drowning, only you see everyone around you breathing

by Sad.Kim December 2, 2016


Depression is like you're living in hell, Where nobody cares about you and you just feel worthless, useless, lonely... I've experienced this before since I spent almost all my life in depression. Some people think about commiting suicide when they're in depression, But remember, suicide is never the answer. The only words I can describe depression is like flying up high in the sky and all of a sudden you fall down, onto the ground that's dark and lonely, and while you sit there in the dark everybody else is flying around, forgetting you even exist in this hell cruel world, you suddenly become sad, thinking about life and shouting "WHY?!?!?!"....When nobody can hear you. You feel the need to cry in crowded places, You sometimes cut yourself, and wear long sleeves in the middle of summer. You let everybody judge you since you don't even care about yourself anymore. You give up on things quickly thinking you already lost at this game. Sometimes you don't see but there are a lot of people who care about you, and will give up their life for you, all you need to do is open your eyes.

"Its killing me! I always give up, I know I cant beat depression!"

by Skyler_Harmonia123 November 13, 2018