Great-grandparent's half-sibling.
Great-grandparent's first cousin.
My great-great-cousin-pibling is a good person.
Daughter of their great-grandparent’s half-sibling with the other great-grandparent’s full sibling.
My sesqui-great-cousin-aunt is a good person.
People who are believed to belong to ancient goose's cul-... religion.
They have weaponized tank named "parade platform" which was named like that to pass legal matters easily.
There is no one on the list of believers.
Do you believe in The Great goose believers??
These are the five traits that create the great-gorilla, "the wise monkeys":
- Energind ("ADD/ADHD") - "See No Evil"
Because they are very imaginative and caring.
- Huquency ("HSP/Empath") - "Hear No Evil"
Because they don't take anything as insults. They understand other people's perspectives.
- Trualist ("ASP/ASD") - "Speak No Evil"
Because they are brutally honest.
- Timester ("OCD/OCPD") - "Smell No Evil"
Because they are so cleanly and organized, they have a good sense of time. Virtuous.
- Freespective ("ODD") - "Do No Evil"
Because they are very freedom oriented. They don't like being told what to do, and they don't tell other people what to do. Freedom.
If you have ALL FIVE of these traits, related to the spiritually activated five senses… then you are a GREAT-GORILLA!!
"That great-gorilla person over there… what a powerful aura. I don't know how to handle it. I don't know whether to be angry, afraid… or maybe we should diagnose that person with all these 'disorders'. To make me feel that I am above, and that that person is below me. So that they know their place."
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Ist a great windowIst a great windowIst a great windowvIst a great windowIst a great window
Spouse's great-granduncle's wife.
My co-great-grandaunt-in-law is a good person.