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Jesus Freak

A person who preaches about their god Jesus to anyone and everyone for no apparent reason. They participate in a "club" to reaffirm that they are good people. They don't show people how their god is good they just expect you to understand. These people are not well liked because they do not understand people very well, maybe a psychology or sociology class would help but that to their religion is "devil-cotruption". They are a militant group proved to be dangerous. Look up Crusades under scholary works by reputable Universitys. Usally young people that don't know anything about what life is.

Jesus freak: I love god and he has done more for me than anyone can!
a non-jesus freak: Nobody cares that you love god.

by wankitsfree February 11, 2010

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sneaky jesus

Sex so hard and fast that it could only have been Jesus who snuck up and did it.

The sneaky jesus here is unbelievable!

by Envy1497 May 31, 2007

22๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

jesus stick

Jesus Stick. noun. Slang name for you old fella/one eye trouser snake/pork sergeant/penis.

Hey love, do you wanna go for a ride on my jesus stick.

by Kiwi_Tristan July 28, 2005

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Jesus Christ

An exclamation on par with "holy shit!" "What the hell?!"

*something crazy happens*
John: "Jesus Christ! What just happened?!

by ZahhakNJ February 8, 2016

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the jesus man

that scary guy that stnads round skipton tellin you that jesus loves u n forces u into taking a leaflet

scary guy: jesus loves u
me: does he!?!
scary guy: yes here take a leaflet
me: but uve already given me about 20

by emma101 April 10, 2005

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jesus fries

When a person shits in the toilet, and the shit pieces float (or fall) together to make a cross, which the shitter than proceeds to worship. Or, if they do not believe in Christianity or God, they curse their shit pieces and proceed to claim their own one true prophet See Mormon Fries.

And behold, there in the water, was the one true magic, the very source of my worship...

Jesus Fries?

You're goddamn right, Jesus Fries, baby!

by Trevor Whitecliff February 11, 2008

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Jesus Christ

A worthy apponent to Chuck Norris

Jesus Christ and Chuck Norris should fight!

by Loser XY August 30, 2008

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