Source Code

word off

when an extremly short and extremly tall person(monty and bogan) unleash insults about the others stature untill receiving a laugh from morella or dodge.

"do a word off!" "tom, your an extension cord." "bogan, your a stump-punk,da na na nah"

by the ultimate secret January 19, 2007

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Naughty Word

Any profanity that is used inappropriately, basically a bad word. Usually used in a somewhat mocking way.

Person 1: Holy ####!
Person 2: That's a naughty word, sir!

by NonCuberCGU April 11, 2017

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word is bond

Common term used among gangstas in the rap game. Implies that your word is as good as the truth and shall not be broken unless you want to get smoked.

Word is bond nigga!!!

by maybenot September 5, 2003

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replacement words

Words that replace curse words and are usually immature, obnoxious, and unnecessary.

Jack: "What the fruit is going on here?"
Jill: "What didn't you just say f***?"
Jack: "Oh, I'm trying to stay appropriate for the kids, so I'm using replacement words."

by katec123 April 26, 2010

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word whisker

An irrelevant, meaningless word or noise that is interjected into speech when the speaker has run out of words, but is determined to keep on speaking.

The outward symptom of a serious psychologically induced speech impediment.

Well, um... I er, ah, well you know, like it's like this you see, I really don't have anything to say. But it makes me feel really important to hear myself talking.


Well fuck, you shoulda fuckin been there. He fuckin said fuck, and she fuckin said fuck what. And he fuckin said, fuck that! Not fuck, but fuckin fuck because I didn't fuckin really mean fuck. And she fuckin asked him when was he gonna get fuckin serious about fuckin puttin his fuckin dick where his fuckin mouth is? He didn't fuckin know whether to fuckin go suck himself or get fuckin laid!

by Downstrike November 14, 2004

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two words

Emphatic description, always followed with an adjective not of two words.

Two words: fabu-lous.

by jschoenweiler August 28, 2008

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E word

The word evolution. Used by people who know evolution is a fact to indicate that fundamentalst don't even want to hear the word like the S word ect. and to show how silly those people are.

John used the E word in front of the preacher.

by Deep blue 2012 February 9, 2010

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