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Double Pipe Party

coming twice while high.

~That double pipe party turned into double come squirt as I exhaled the crackercloud and released the brown newborn.

by hackneydale September 25, 2015

nuclear pipe bomb

electronic cigarettes.

the bigger the better

smokable and goes bang.

a nuclear pipe bomb exloded in my pocket, thank god i was wearing armor.

by Cody5050 January 12, 2021

totting pipe

Smoking illegally controlled substances with devilish banned substances in the illegal controlled subtance or substances.

"The "Nuggets", they be "totting pipe"; as in example the "Chif Keef" song "I Don't Like"; the group stated, "The "Nuggets" they be "totting pipe".

by doubleozero June 29, 2020

Oklahoma Pipe Jack

The art of lying on your back, bending your legs above your head, and spraying diarrhea into the air onto your body and/or others.

"The Taco Bell from last night gave me a super powerful Oklahoma Pipe Jack this morning."

by PooniesNeverSayDie September 9, 2017

Cut the pipe

To cut the shit before your done

Omg my phone is ringing I have to cut the pipe (your in the middle of shitting and the poop is coming out ur ass and u cut it in half before it fully out)

by MoneyServicez.com June 17, 2017

wrench your pipe

to clamp a monkey wrench around a mans penis and twist it off

man, I wanna wrench your pipe.

by Wyzrd Head February 25, 2024

Catfish Shit Pipe

A daring sexual manuver , in wich the female will be in the cowgirl position, While she is bouncing on your dick you shove your hand in her mouth and grab hold of her jaw then proceed to time her bounce. At the apex of her bounce quickly thrust your hips back till your dick is fully out of her vagina. As the female partner is coming back down quickly adjust so your dick goes up her ass. Make sure your have a firm grip on her jaw as she jumps off your dick and falls off the bed. Once she is off the bed pick her up by her jaw just like hillbilly hand fishing.

Hey my wife was being a real bitch so I gave her the good old catfish shit pipe last night. It straightend her right out!

by THE COON AND FREINDS November 13, 2020