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When you get stoned thrown at you.

Sexyboiandy: did u get stoned?
Oliver: Nah my dude, it is not medieval times, retard.

by Pufta_ November 3, 2018


Extremely high on marijuana. High to the point where you can’t hide it.

1: Bro i’m hiiii- as hellllllll
2: Bro your stoned as fuck

by StonedDefinitions January 22, 2022


getting/ got (verb);

In a video game, dying from fall damage when it could have been prevented but you fudged it.

Derived from youtuber "StoneMountain64" suggesting to people to manually press your parachute at the last moment to avoid being a target, however in practice it leads to becoming a pancake more often than if you had just used the damn parachute earlier.
The term was created by 'Neebs Gaming' in thier Call of Duty: Warzone animation episode "Fall Damage"

I got stoned, but I know I pressed the parachute button!

by Badjer47 November 25, 2020



I’m stoned

by Lillian Pumpernickel September 30, 2018


When you smoke to much bud and feel completely out of this world. Get the mean munchies and eat like a fucken pig. Chur

Person 1: Fuck my gewl how stoned did you get?
Person 2: Fuck my sis stoned enough to make me out of this world
Person 1: Shit my gewl no more buds for you lol

by Heartysis January 27, 2022

Vare'a stone

In Paraguay is used to designate the hunger that is generated after smoking weed.
"Vare'a", a word in Guarani that means hunger, and stone that means being high.

It gave me the vare'a stone that I wanna buy the entire McDonald's!

by choconubes December 29, 2020

Stone licker

A derogatory term for a Muslim (since Muhammad licked the black stone)

Erub Muhammad that fuckin stone licker

by Bigpeen nino March 21, 2024

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