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Baby Steak

also known bubby steak and bubs steak , this is a nickname that was originally used in amatuer AFL footy but has since grown to be used by many people to label someone as "being a winner"

Refer To Cooney

Weird looking kid shoots at goal "Nice Shot Baby Steak"

by rickybobby. April 29, 2010

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baby cute

It's when a girl thinks you're cute but they don't like you.

Hey I think you are baby cute, but I don't like you.

by mexatron February 4, 2014

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punch a baby

a phrase to say when your mad at something or someone regardless of the circumstances you are in.

Georgie: hey cassi! you're lookin' kinda fat today..

Cassi: Ugh gosh georgie! you make me want to punch a baby!


I can't believe they are making us run 5 miles today! ugh i'm so mad i could punch a baby!

by Purple Astronaut January 5, 2009

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skittle babies

when you see a woman with many different raced children, ei-if one of her children is white,another is black, and another is asian-those children are referred to as skittle babies.

We were at walmart and this one lady had tons of skittle babies. Maria has alot of skittle babies, infact she has a full rainbow.

by ImaAwesomeChick May 9, 2011

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Baby Nugget

The samllest size poop humanly possible.
Ussually produced by those having constipation problems.
The size can be compared to a jelly bean, m & m, and a peanut m & m.

"Hey Sue did you just crap a Baby Nugget?"

by Shandee April 17, 2007

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Raw Babies

A slang term used for sperm or semen. Sperm make babies and since the sperm have not been inserted into the egg, or "oven", yet they are raw. Thought up by the adept mind of Yuri, class 1B.

"That girl was a freak! She wanted me to shoot my raw babies all over her face!"

by Old Man Troy April 30, 2009

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baked baby

Cooking a baby in a microwave until it explodes.

Fred:What do you want for dinner?
Bob:Baked Baby

by brettmobile1 March 28, 2009

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