The one thing that you still have from when you were optimistic about being fit, but now lives alone on your desk. The only thing that no matter what, you can't promise to use.
Woah, you got a Gym Membership Card?
Yeah, probably not gonna use it though.
The oldest NFT art project on the ethereum blockchain and predates CryptoPunks. Curio features 30 unique series of cards from 7 different artists, with an additional misprint 17B.
Curio Cards launched on May 9th, 2017. Furthermore, Curio Cards was the first art ever sold at Christie's in which the live auction was denominated in ETH on October 1st, 2021 - sold for 393 ETH ($1.2 Million) .
I recently found this undervalued NFT project which is the first art project on the Ethereum blockchain called Curio Cards.
An edited verison of a canon bandori, love live!, revue starlight, idolmaster, etc sprite or card to fit or look like another character or original character/oc.
Wow! That card edit looks like a canon bandori card!
When someone slots their bobular organ between the cheeks, (rectal) of another sexual friend, with the goal to make Bumhole-nipple contact (a BPN procedure), which causes immediate Cumplosion.
Woah, the fuck? Did you just Credit-Card-Manoeuvre me. Get your boobies out of my bum hole. Greg just did the credit card manouveure on Cindy Bigtits.
A credit/debit card offered by the company Telda when you create one for yourself.
I'll just order it with my Telda card.
It requires a Telda card.
a phrase that was created by racists to try, usually unsuccessfully, to defend themselves from accusations of racism. It is a term used by those who are intellectually weak and lazy when they cannot counter a logical argument or factual data.
If you accuse someone of racism, and they are guilty of racism, they may accuse you of using the "race card."
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