Two of the most iconic boys in the entire hurst of sand. If Luke and tony ever see you in public you probably won’t be able to take your eyes off of them. One because of the endless chaos they encompass and two because of the atomic awesomeness all of the Akins Offer. Luke and tony will one day be the kings of the hurst and thus they shallnt be dismissed in anyway.
Luke and tony: where’s yeti?
Eddie: harough
Luke and tony; treats!
Eddie: ruff (Uber loud)
Toni is a black minecraft sheep who is God as he has cheated death many times.
theaurastraw: Yoooooooo is that the poggers man?
VA: Yup! It's Toni Da Sheep
A condition that occurs when part of the large intestine slips outside the anus.
Rectal prolapse typically occurs in older women, but it can occur in men and women of any age. Risk factors include multiple births and vaginal delivery.
Rectal prolapse can create an inability to control bowel movements, causing stool to leak from the rectum.
Early management includes fluids and pelvic floor exercises. Most people will eventually need surgery.
Did you hear about the guy that was Tony-ricing at Badussy’s? He was pretty bummed out.
Super tall. Kind of looks like the monopoly dude. Rich of course. If it has a hole, chances are ole Mel's been in it. He's a gummy eating, beer drinking, soft lover ladies. Mel doesn't mess around with anything under 280lbs though so if ya aint 280 you aint a lady. You can catch Mel Mon-Fri from 6am-12pm at your local nudie bar throwing down some Mels. Mel calls $100 bills Mels because has rich and can. I know right, what an ass. As for Saturday and Sunday, Mel usually takes his PJ down to Vegas to get his new Escort for the upcoming week to do it ALL OVER AGAIN.
Tony "mel" Schworer, I think she smells like you.
When someones background noise is being overwhelmingly loud. (On the phone, skype, etc.)
Guy 1: So I was looking at this th-
Guy 2's microphone: -random yelling in the background-
An ethnically ambiguous male with a bristled mustache whose favorite pass time is throat goatin’ big Italian sausage while listening to Nickelbacks debut album.
Pepperoni Tony: “Hey big boy, I heard that big ass Italian sausage has a mean mushroom stamp?”
Big Boy in question: “mhm…yup”
*gagging noises*