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mexican hammer

A mexican Guy with a extremely Large Penis

Maria says she like mexican hammer's

by Miguellito123 March 28, 2016

Mexican Hammer

Synonym for adjustable pliers such as those manufactured by Channel Lock.

Hey Dave, can you toss me the Mexican hammer?

by fuckdoggydog June 9, 2021

Batty Hammer

A hammer that you hit people with in rdr2 and shout “man got that batty hammer!”

Man got that batty hammer innit

by PPslayer85 November 10, 2020

Hiney Hammer

1.One who smashes booty with his peenockin.

2. One's penis solely used for the anal orifice.

Raven.... You ARE the hiney hammer.

by Sloppyfirsts April 30, 2010

hammer down

Phrase to be uttered after ripping a whole team as Reinhardt in Overwatch

Hammer Down, bitches

by subhum4n April 8, 2022

Hammer down

When a guy jerks off.

Not getting any poon--guess I'll throw on some porn and hammer down tonight.

by Fstyle9 April 6, 2017

Black hammer

When someone is aggressive and/or intense about something

I just black hammered the shit out of my laundry

by Shocker plus April 5, 2019