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Dirty Bubble

The act of pouring bubble liquid in a gorillas asshole & using a straw to blow out a big bubble, then inhaling it like a line of coke.

I snuck into the gorilla exhibit in the middle of the night to perform the dirty bubble for the 5th time this week.

by RoyalxZealot December 19, 2023

Dirty Bubble

The Dirty Bubble is an oral sex act, where a man is giving oral to a woman while sick. During the act, the man will blow out a snot bubble and pop it into the woman’s opening and mix it in with his tongue.

“Dude last night I gave Jenny the dirtiest Dirty Bubble, I had the flu or something…”

by jaxkmehoff April 11, 2024

Dirty bubble

When someone blows a bubble using semen

That bitch blew me and after we got done she used my nut to blow a dirty bubble

by HungSHRIMP69 August 13, 2023

Dirty Bubble

Farting into the stem of a bong and immediately taking a hit afterwards.

Dude I’m so high after hitting that Dirty Bubble.

Bro Koby just hit a Dirty Bubble!

by GigaChungus June 14, 2023

Dirty Bubble

The act of farting a thick cloud for someone to walk through, dragging it along an area (crop dusting your fart) and then having to walk through the area they crop dusted your fart.

Corys "dirty bubble" made britt gag twice in two different areas!!

by Cory Besecker March 25, 2023

you bubble gum dumb dumb

you bubble gum dumb dumb is an insult used mostly by seven-year-olds without a life

here's how to use it

friend: you're so stupid
me: shut up you bubble gum dumb dumb idiot

by qzartyudspgsuhoishopisjhoiwj January 31, 2022

Fart Bubble

When you FART and there is a little bit left in yo boody hole and feels like a BUBBLE!!

Person 1-*farts* o my goosh

Person 1- oop- i got a little fart bubble still up in there

Person 2- chile anyways so....
Michael Jackson- HEHE

by A BOODY HOLE November 28, 2020