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Who Killed Captain Alex

The best fucking movie in the entire Multiverse. So the movie starts out in the year 2013, everybody in wakali are elite belts in karate. Then all of the people have the best fucking guns in the world, there's this one made out of PVC pipes and it's painted black. Also the Africans are like really agile and active, they jump at each-other and kick one another as if the victims asking his friend to get a landmine off of his shoe. The movie kinda ends whenever Captain Alex dies and they introduce his cousins Dads brothers son "Bruce U", i don't know how he's related to Bruce Lee maybe. Also theres scenes where a black woman got shot.

Who killed captain alex was a pretty good movie.

by birb ice tea July 31, 2017

91๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

curiosity killed the cat

When a woman has been screwed over by so many men that she decides to give other women a try and finds out that women are awesome in bed.

Hey girl! So I heard you are a Lesbian now?
Yep, my curiosity killed the cat!

by Cheezy47 August 5, 2014

21๐Ÿ‘ 109๐Ÿ‘Ž

the guy who killed hitler

a hero

they should build a statue of the guy who killed hitler

by mydadownsmicrosoft February 15, 2018

84๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

International kill a Pedo day

October 13th is international kill a pedophile day.

Billy:what day is it
Tom:International kill a pedo day
Billy:God I love American holidays

by Cr647 October 11, 2021

You're killing me smalls

Direct quote from the 1993 film "Sandlot". After being asked by Ham Porter if he wanted a s'more, Scotty Smalls replies several times with the question, "Some more what?". After his frustration grew with Scotty, Ham replies with, "You're killing me Smalls." This phrase is commonly used to express discontent or frustration towards a person.

Joe: "Hey Scott, can you pass me another Budweiser?"
Scott: "Actually dude, I just finished the last one."
Joe: "... You're killing me smalls."

by AyeMurr June 1, 2011

909๐Ÿ‘ 101๐Ÿ‘Ž

National Kill Rapists Weekend

24-25 April! The day when it's legal to kill anyone who participates in the National Rape day or dares to make a joke about it! Kill your rapist friends, strangers and anyone you know is a rapist!

Kyler: Did you know today is National Rape day? I think I might join in
Jennifer: It's also National Kill Rapists Weekend, I might join that!

by Robbie Chatterley March 20, 2021

29๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Kill it Before it Lays Eggs

A common response to something so horrible, annoying, disgusting, and/or crazy that it needs to be killed before it makes more of itself, hence "lays eggs."

*watches "E.T. (Cover) Katy Perry..." on YouTube*

by DameonDice April 15, 2012

68๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž