When you take a hit with nicotine and finish with a hit of marijuana
I had a little mother theresa bing cherry salad last night.
When several participants, all dressed in various protein and vegetable costumes, synchronously penetrate each other. Hands down the sexiest shit ever.
"Man, I saw the hottest porno ever the other day. They even pulled off the seven layer salad, complete with dressing!"
When one indulges in a heartily-topped burger, leaving the spillage of lettuce, pickles, onions or whatever toppings they essentially had on their patty in a pile on the table. This pile of condiments is usually consumed, making it salad-like because of the lettuce that spills out.
After I finished eating my double quarter pounder, I quickly lapped up my delicious after-burger salad.
Verb:The act of oral stimulation on an anus that hasn't been washed in one or more days.
"After a long hot road trip I was surprised Susan so was eager to be "tossing yesterdays salad""
A salad that is eaten in a dirty back ally. It is not a good salad to eat!
James was apprehended the the police late at night when he was caught eating a back ally salad.
A culinary abomination made with lemon Jello and random stuff out of your pantry.
“I made Aunt Myrna’s Party Cheese Salad and It’s literally puke.”