Source Code

white trash can

A town full of white trash.

The town of Enterprise is a white trash can, because it's full of white trash.

by PussyEater69000 December 23, 2020

FBT fuckboy trash

A fuckboy who belongs in the trash! Nothing good comes out of a FBT (a Fuckboy trash). He Sleeps around, fucks anything with a pulse, poses to get laid yet is generally emotionally unavailable. Displays toxic tendencies (gaslighting, prides himself in his sexual conquests and idealizes hook up culture because it serves his selfish, self serving purposes.) Generally dishonest by being selectively honest. Untrustworthy, miserly with everything: time emotions effort communication money) that’s a FBT he belongs in the trash!

Sploosh Ahmed is a FBT fuckboy trash
Oh no! You hooked up w him? He’s a FBT (fuckboy trash)
Dump him, he seems like a typical FBT (FuckBoy Trash)

by Kuukuu September 8, 2020

White Trash Refund

Application of various disreputable and/or fraudulent strategies calculated to obtain a refund to which one would not otherwise be entitled. Closely related to white trash exchange, white trash rebate, white trash warranty claim, white trash regifting, etc.

Percy, expressing extreme discomfort, quickly negotiated a white trash refund of the cost (with tax) of his pricey hemorrhoid preparation, because he "didn't get home from the store with it" and "had had to resort to other means."

by texlex61 January 28, 2009

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Trash Eating Machine

Someone that takes other peoples ideas and or verbal phrases.

Highly offensive to most of the general population.

That guy is a Trash Eating Machine he stole my phrase of
Trash Eater.

by NaytDawg September 6, 2010

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

South Beach Trash

Americans who live in South Beach who immitate and emulate the resident Eurotrash.

This guy acts like the Eurotrash living in South Beach -- he's like South Beach Trash.

by Mr. Magoo2 May 15, 2008

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

white trash ballin

The only way to achieve such a high status known as white trash ballin you must first live in a trailer park. Next you much be scuzzy beyond any hope of return similair to that of K-Fed. you then must aquire a large amount of wealth that allows you to purchase items only the super rich have such as but not limited to; million dollar suites, cars that cost more than $100,000 etc. After all of this you must never change your style that you wore when you were a poor ass whitey and continue not showering.

Billy - "Yo check out Bob in his new Lamborghini!"
Steve - "I know what a little prick for winning the lotto and getting out of the trailer park.."
Billy - "He be white trash ballin now."

by WTBalla June 23, 2010

37πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Trailer Park Trash

Any Role Model that shaves her head bald and smokes crack while mothering two kids.

Brittany Spears is trailer park trash

by Strap from Nap February 20, 2007

61πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž