The sentence that comes to one's mind when he or she see someone fucking hot.
Fucking asshole shit ! Pietro Boselli is god damn hot.
One having no skill in the activity.
One having slower abilities than normal in learning information.
Damn, shit skilled you forgot the finished product.
an absolute fucking truck who never puts down the fork. stop fucking eating fat cunt.
Zok, put down the twinkie, that's your 8th one you fat tub of shit. Stop raping little boys.
this is when you have to shit so bad, you're forced to take a walk; similar to walking one's dog. In this case the brown dog is most common.
After that last plate of curry goat, Sambo was shit dogging down the hall.
Someone who absolutely cannot do anything right. They're very slow at accumulating things (especially simple things).
''I told you to pour the gallon of water into that tub! Shit-Bucket"
it does not have meanings
Just go shit yourself
(That sentences doesn't make sense)