A slang term referring to cum shots that have been mixed with blood
"Johnny should see a doctor, he shot cherry ropes on my face"
When the brakes on a car get so hot, they glow a bright red.
Yo man, that car at the convention could make cherry brakes
An awful fail rap - when someone attempts to pull off a rap (typically a white or Asian person) and completely fails.
The rap either doesn't sound good or is an awful cover of an existing good rap.
Yo I be gangshta, gangshta, my name is dee dog dizzle
Bro...that was a cherry-dee rap
Clenching of a woman's exposed hymen with one's teeth.
Man 1: Ya, I totally went bobbing for cherries with my step-daughters last night.
Man 2: Did you eat the cherries afterwards?
Man 1: That and more.
“Light that joint man”
“Hold on I’m toasting the cherry pit”
When a girl is on their period and has diarrhea at the same time.
Dude I heard Jennifer ate some bad shrimp and got catastrophic cherry Coke
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when your man is fucking you and your ur on ur rag and blood amd other shit comes out with
my man was fucking me and i cherry blossem his cock