Source Code


king kai havertz playing the beautiful game of football in the rain with ice cold black gloves

this is definition of perfection

by bald head kante August 11, 2021


Bruno Bucciarati

"He is perfection"
"Oh you mean Bruno Bucciarati?"

by kurapikamybeloved July 18, 2021


Hajime Hinata

Hajime Hinata is absolute perfection, you know?

by Irl.nagitokomaeda October 13, 2019


wonho (former member of monsta x)
The definition does not need explaining if you know who this man is or if you've at least seen him :)
But he's a really kind, pretty, jacked korean idol who many people look up to and aspire to be but will never be because sis that's wonho??? Like who are you????

local: yooooooo look at this guyyyy. He's body builder jacked asffffff mannnnnn. I should work out to be like him.
Monbebe/wonho stan: lmao yeah that's Wonho. Don't even try to compete with him. He redefines perfection. You could never match up to him in any aspect

by FlufferMcPütins Clapper of Ass September 26, 2020


wonho (former member of monsta x)

Local1: yooooo look at this dude hes like body builder jackeeddddd
Monbebe: yeah that's wonho. He redefines perfection:) don't even try to compete with him. He's better than you in all aspects just accept it you clownnnn.

by FlufferMcPütins Clapper of Ass September 26, 2020


Your body
Every move you make

Perfection just entered the room

by Photo.ocg September 27, 2018



Luke Robert Hemmings

And they say perfection doesnt exist???? Have they seen Luke Hemmings? Like loook at him. HE is perfection.”

by Hemmo6 May 27, 2022