Source Code

menage et text

text messaging multiple partners simultaneously.

Awwww shit! I sent Jack's text to Johnny

Better slow down, one at a time, menage et text can be trouble!

by jennyann September 27, 2010

Text Message Karma

When you don't text someone back (i.e. that annoying fucker you gave your number to) so NO ONE you actually want to hear from replies to your texts.

Friend: God, I wish he would just text me back.

Friend 2: Then stop ignoring other texts. It's your text message karma.

by ICF889 October 21, 2011

Morse Code texting

Any text composed on a cell phone without a "QWERTY" keyboard. A text composed through rapidly punching numbers to spell.

Dude, you still have that old phone of yours without a keyboard?

Yeah. I've been morse code texting to everyone and it's driving me insane!

by brainstorm85 July 19, 2011

Bottom Text

A nude in text format. Commonly used with a 🅱.

"Yo! Tatiana sent me a Bottom text last night! She's super into me!"
"Was it with a 🅱 though?"

by Notdanielblade November 15, 2017

Phantom Text Syndrome

A new syndrome spreading among the teens of America, where a vibration is felt from the pocket holding a phone. Once the phone is checked, it turns out there was never a text.

Teenager-"Doctor, It seems that Im always feeling a vibration coming from my cell phone pocket. What could possibly be wrong with me."
Doctor- "Hmmm, It seems you may have Phantom Text Syndrome"

by JuicyA September 26, 2011

Dead-end text

When you text someone and they don't ever respond.

Guy 1: Hey, I dead-end texted my girlfriend today.
Guy 2: Does she ever respond?
Guy 1: No

by Anonymous0375-03e7 March 25, 2010

plural texting

The act of pretending to send a text message to a group of people by using plural words, in order to either
a) seem less personal, in order to avoid confrontation
b) seem less like a stalker when you text someone a million times a day

Greg recieves a text message from Aimee that says "Hey, whats up homies?"
Greg: Hey, did anyone get that text from Aimee?
Jordan: Nope, she must be plural texting you man.
Greg: Man, she's been doing that all week, but it totally seems impersonal because she keeps using plural words, so she is totally not a stalker.

by lettherebeaubrey February 19, 2009