Depression is not wanting to move. All you have are bad thoughts.. You've been depressed for so long you dont remember what it's like to be happy
That monster gave me depression.
Depression to me is the feeling of hopelessness. The feeling that no matter what you do or say it is never good enough. Objecting yourself to self doubt and second guessing every decision you make. Every moment you are on the verge of tears, if someone says hello or asks how you are, it's in that split second you start to speak that you shut down. Mind, body and soul shut down to protect yourself from breaking. Showing everyone around you how weak you are. A song on the radio that you love causes you pain to hear. Crying so hard and long that you can't breathe anymore. Looking at your loved ones who are concerned and telling them it is just a bad day you will be okay, knowing that this is just one of many but you hold your head up high so as not to ruin your relationships.
I shut down at work because my depression snuck in and caused me to feel horrible about myself.
The excuse teenagers use to get attention and to seem “special”.
Teenager 1: You’ve never been this down, are you feeling ok?
Teenager 2: I have depression. Everybody hates me.
Teenager 1: Since when did you have depression? You’re already friends with everyone.
A real thing that 13 years old claim to have when they get dumped thinking it was the love of her life when DUDE STFU YOU'RE 12-13-14 it wasn't the love of your life stop saying you're now depressed cause NO you're not even if you're sad Depression is real don't say that You have a depression if you don't.
Depression is a state of mind in which you no longer care if you live or die. Whoever is reading this, I hope your life improves and you will be able to be happy again. Please remember that there are people who care about you, and I know it's rich coming from me, but please reach out to someone. I wish you all the best and I sincerely promise that you will find a reason to live again.
I can't say this enough, I really hope you get through whatever is causing your depression.
Reaching into your chicken McNugget box ready to eat the 6th nugget that was supposed to be there. Then sadly realizing they forgot the 6th one. #depression
“I have depression I wanted another nugget”