Source Code

South Carolina Wild Turkey Jerk

This is the act of two dudes standing face to face jerking each other off, trying to get the other individual to ejaculate first. The winner gets a warm white summer's wind on his genitals, resulting in him firing back.

Daniel says to Timothy "I challenge you, sir, to a South Carolina Wild Turkey Jerk."

Timothy's closeted gay self only replied with a smile and an eager "Hell yea bro!"

by juciepinktacos August 19, 2011

34๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Carve you open like a turkey

When dat puss so tight you just carve it open like a turkey

Yo, girl, imma carve you open like a turkey so I can eat Thanksgiving dinner

by Cannibalhorse December 4, 2016

you can't unfuck the christmas turkey

Another way of saying you cant undo something that's already been done. Can be said in a joke like way

You can't unloose the game you know, just like you can't unfuck the christmas turkey

by AsunaTododeku April 5, 2022

Hey Buddy Kramer Turkey Gif

A reference to a psychiatric patient as they perceive a friendly orderly who has been called to ensure their well being.

"Heyyyyy buddddyyyy"

Hey Buddy Kramer Turkey Gif

by ElysiumPurcellium February 25, 2023

Butter my dick and stick it in a turkey.

An expression of extreme disbelief or shock.

Obama hasn't been lynched yet? Well butter my dick and stick it in a turkey.

by obamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa March 1, 2009

63๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

Going Ham in the Turkey Factory

Going hard!(not in the perverted way)

I am going ham in the turkey factory when i dance on multiple at the same time! ;D

by beaverteaser69 December 22, 2011

3๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

get to your flat in turkey

something said in annoyance or shock, meaning "get hame" or "get to fuck", only politer. Usually said as response to a random or stupid comment by some timmeh.

Timmeh: Guess what!
Me: What?
Timmeh: Guess what!
Me: WHAT?!?
Timmeh: Guess what? Hi.
Me: Oh, get to your flat in turkey!!

by Hmdle September 4, 2008

2๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž