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When suck so bad at being a dad, you're demoted to Uncle.

He is so pathetic, that fool couldnt even get to the bus stop on time, i'm demoting him to uncle-daddy.

by DaddyLexx May 28, 2019


An uncle that plays daddy to a kid that is not his and not telling the child that the uncle is really the daddy.

Uncle-daddy no, one or the other...

by Jack breeazy December 28, 2016

Uncle daddy

The name your child calls your brother that is having an affair with your wife/baby mother.

Uncle Daddy is way better than daddy. He takes us to the park and isn’t mean!

by Maine Gretzky April 25, 2022

Your Uncle Mike a Dyke

Defeats any roast may make world implode when spoken.
Only use when roasts get to strong.

Daniel: Your mom gay lol.
Me: Don't make me do it..
Tabby: Your dad lesbian.
Me: I swear..
Ash: Your granny tranny
*world implodes*

by iced.milk March 15, 2018


Uncle Evaned

When he runs, bumps into the corner of the wall and trips over his own feet, he Uncle Evaned it.

by Bebobebo999 September 17, 2021

Uncle's Day

Uncle's day it on November 22 and u post and love ur uncle as much as possible to get on there nerves. Have fun uncle's.

Have the best Uncle's day ever.

by YoungerDagger November 22, 2019

Uncles day

February 29th happens every 4 years, a day for uncles although they aren’t seen as much as fathers and mothers they are still important, uncles day a day all for your favorite uncle.

Boy 1 “Hey man guess what day it is!”
Boy 2 “It’s February 29th yeah it’s special what about it?”
Boy 1 “No man it’s uncles day!”
Boy 2 “Omg you’re right lemme call my uncle
Boy 1 “Me too!”

by YouLoveIce June 19, 2022