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Way to go Taco!

Commentary for when a person does a stupid thing for example, a driver in traffic makes a mistake that everyone notices (hopefully) that potentially could cause a major accident. Another example would be: when someone majorly fucks up and don't really know what to say other than commenting in a somewhat frustrating approval. Alternativley, a synonym for "You Fuckin' Idiot.

"Way to go Taco!" "You Fuckin' Idiot

by Mr. Fartowsky September 15, 2019

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Alabama three-way

A sex act involving three old white guys.

"Santorum comes from behind in Alabama three-way"

by Leap Day William February 28, 2012

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one way street

A road you drive in the same direction as everyone else on... Most of the time.

My sister-"There's no traffic going the same way as me on this road!"

Me-"That's cause it's a one way street you idiot."

by Roberto Burbank-o December 3, 2008

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milky way

When a man or a group of men ejaculates on the hair of a woman with dark hair, making it look like the milky way galaxy... or something close.

Guy: Hey, do you want a milky way? I got some in my place.
Girl: Sure.
(15 minutes later...)
Girl: Eww, this is the worst milky way I've ever had!
Guy: I've seen worse.

by Black pseudonym April 15, 2008

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ocky way

A tik-tok slang used for cool people only.

"Dude, this baconeggandcheese is literally the ocky way!"

by dyze44 June 11, 2022

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long way down

Long way down is a three word sentence that mean "on the way to hell"

Hey man! I missed Sunday mass, it's a surely a long way down for me

by holymolyjen February 14, 2016

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Viennese three-way

A sexual encounter involving three people, two of whom are classical musicians. This gives the sex act an intriguing dynamic. Gender doesn't matter.

When Ted was in Chicago last week he scored a Viennese three-way with a couple of hot violinists.

by gravity train January 25, 2009

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