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Charlotte Wood Middle School

A pretty good middle school in danville california full of rich kids. Not as rich as Diablo Vista middel school but pretty close. all the guys think theyre cool n shit by wearing lrg and nike air force 1s, while the girls are HELLA ugly and have new outfits everyday. People think theyre gangster and black by listening to eminem and lil wayne. Pretty much a gay school

kid: sup breh i got some new air force ones ya dig?

other kid: fuck u man

Charlotte Wood Middle school

by DanVillian69 June 13, 2011

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Fairfield Woods Middle School

A phycological method of torture only fit for the suffering of the underworld. And you fifth graders thought you were excited to get out of your pathetic elementary school? Get suited up for numerous mental breakdowns a week caused by a crap ton of useless homework.

Most of the air headed basic white girls are just some wannabe bitches that fail their exams cause โ€œthatโ€™s not gonna matter when Iโ€™m famous!โ€ Honestly a select few of the guys are chill, but most dudes here look like their twelve year old selves are going to frat parties every night after school.

If you got into TPA or PA, life is gonna suck for you. I thought that I could make it through math easy like I did in elementary school. Answer: NO. You wouldnโ€™t even want to know how many times Iโ€™ve nearly cried in my upper-level math class. LA gives you the most pointless homework of all, and believe me when I say it is SO TIME CONSUMING. If you signed up for chorus, my prayers go out to you. I took chorus for a year and it was the dullest 45 minutes, that Iโ€™ve ever sat through. And I was super excited for it too. It is utterly horrendous tho. Like awful. So bad. Makes me want to vomit.

Long story short, fail fifth grade. Fail it twice. Do whatever shit you can to escape this nest of darkness. After you enter you never come back the same. Just lifeless shells of what couldโ€™ve been.

Person b: hmmmm... let me guess...do you go to Connecticutโ€™s circle of hell, Fairfield woods middle school?!

by ~sip~ June 28, 2019

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back woods billy goat

poorly educated, ignorant, redneck individuals

"Billy Joe and Sally Mae threw a great shindig too bad they are such back woods billy goats"

by Norcalgal January 4, 2013

Jack woods the smart man

A big brainerd who is smart as fuck and needs to get a real life

Jack woods the smart man needs a life

by Icejjfishy October 22, 2020

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can't see the wood for the trees

To be unable to understand the real situation clearly because you're involvement in it make you loose focus of what is really important

In selling hats at the fair John would not lower the price a single penny . So while he argues that the full price need to be paid to gather as much funds as possible for charity he can't see the wood for the trees, losing sales all day long and collecting much less money than the other that were willing to sell their hat for a little less.

by ninuzzu December 5, 2015

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Get off my wood

Stop bothering me; get out of my face.

Why you come steppin' on me? I am busy, so get off my wood.

by T Ace H September 20, 2009

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Up'ere in dem woods up'ere

Something hicks say to express where the woods are.

Up'ere= over there, up there, underneath. Basically, they use it to show the location of anything.

We was chewin' tobacco and hunting dem deer up'ere in dem woods up'ere.

by tigerontheprowl October 16, 2014

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